jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Narrative techniques in The Life Before Her Eyes

Effect (in term of driving forward the narrative of the film)
Example from a film
1. Exposition
Fills in the back story of the characters and their situations
Lets us know the motivation of the characters.
When she says “hi” t Amanda there’s a flashback so that we know she’s a friend from school.
2. Dangling cause
Information or action that leads to no effect or resolution until much later in the film
So that your going to watch the film until the end so that you know what happened. Allows for the film to in lots of different levels.
What happened to Maureen and her family.
3. Obstacle
Stands in the way of the characters reaching their goal
Makes it more interesting & dramatic. It demands things to happen.
It is the anniversary of the shooting at her school which makes her very emotional.
4. Deadline
A time limit placed on a protagonist to accomplish a goal
Increases tension. It makes the film more “goal” orientated.
Michael Patrick pressures them to decide who will die.
5. Dialogue hook 
Creates a link between two consecutive scenes
Allows to scenes to have continuity and make sense.
Diane says she’s going to take Emma to school and in the next shot we see her at the school

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