domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

What are the positives and negatives of deep focus?


  • Economical
  • feels like your there
  • very little camera movement
  • no need for editing or very little
  • imprisoned by the scene
  • no distractions
  • real time verisimilitude
  • they are more inside their papers
  • feel respected not manipulated


  • confusion for the audience
  • audience doesn't know what to look at
  • lack of action to slow 
  • feel you have to pause it suffocating
  • monotones
  • can make the audience not involved
  • feel like an establishing shot

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

An Internal Analysis of Jurassic Park

Film making technique
Analysis of effect in filmed scene
Camera angles
Vary depending of the situation
Low camera angle to make the dinosaur look bigger.

Lighting- interior, exterior, etc.
Natural light to show nature
Sound- diagetic (from the setting of the film) non-diagetic (sound-track music, etc.)
Non-diagetic sound emphasizes the adventure mood and the surprised mood.
Framing of shot/ Composition
Comparing the dinosaur to trees and themselves.
Use of colour and lighting
Colour is heightened
Editing/ time sequence

Viewpoint- restricted (from one character’s point of view) or omniscient (seeing things the character’s can’t
Close-ups to show emotions.
Looking though character eyes (restricted) after seeing the surprise.

Film theory & history

Jurassic Park
v     Who made it? His views on the film?
Ø       It was directed by Steven Spielberg.
v     When?
Ø       11 June 1993
v     Why did s/he make it?
Ø       He made Jurassic park because he wanted to do a not so serious movie before Schindler's List and money.
v     Who is the intended audience?
Ø       PG-13
v     What is our engagement with the film?
Ø       Entrainment and watching new technology in that time.
v     Who financed/produced the film?
Ø       Universal Studios
Ø       Kathleen Kennedy, Gerald R. Molen and Steven Spielberg
v     Who really called the shots (who was in control)?
Ø       Steven Spielburg
v     What tradition is it in (genre)?
Ø       Action, adventure, science fictional, thriller
v     How much money did it make-and consequences of this?
Ø       Total revenue of $914 691 118
Ø       Cost of $ 63 000 000
Ø       More Jurassic Park movies came out and it become a franchise.
v     Critical reception
Ø       It had a good reception all praising the visual effect but they complained of the lack of story and the characters sounds.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

Film Questions

  1. How would you define a good film?
A good film would show human reaction and emotions under different circumstances.
  1. If you like a film, do other people have the right to tell you you’re wrong?
No they shouldn’t, if you like a movie or not is merely an opinion.
  1. How should people behave in the cinema?
In the cinema everyone should respect each other and permit to listen and see what is in the movie.
  1. Is film an art form? Explain your answer.
Yes it is, it unifies sound and image
  1. Who should get the final credit for a film, why?
All the participants of the movie should get the credit because they have all put an effort into it.
  1. How many different roles can you think of in the making of a film?
Director, actors, sound technicians, lighting technicians, camera, editor, special effects, script writer, producer, etc.
  1. Is there a function of film?
To entertain the audience.
  1. Why do people make films?
To tell a story, to express how they feel, to show different cultures.
  1. Do film makers have a moral responsibility to their audiences?
Not as long as they are targeting the movie to the appropriate audience.